Annabelle had a diaper blowout today. This is how her daddy walked her through the house so he didn't have to touch her back/bottom :) She seemed to really like it actually.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
First night in the crib
Today was really busy. We took Annabelle to her two week appointment, went to my OB, drove Gramma M out to Charleston, took a little Walmart shopping trip and then tried to stay awake until at least 8pm so that we could get some good night sleeps! The last one was kind of a fail because I really wanted to just sit on the couch and watch the finally of the Next Great Baker on TLC lol And it ended up lasting until 10:30. Oops! And Annabelle woke up at 11 for her feeding, sooooooo ya. big mistake. This is Sean trying to stay awake with the little cuddle bug:
We decided to try to let her sleep in her crib tonight! ahhhh! too soon! :) I know it's not too soon, but I feel like it is for me. She has been sleeping in our room in a bassinet up until now, but seriously -she is the loudest sleeper! During her "active sleep" where a lot of babies move their eyes around, or maybe make a few noises, she like grunts and snores and moves all over. lol It took me a little while to get used to, but I could sleep through it pretty well. Sean couldn't though. It was keeping him up all night, so we decided it would be better to just go ahead and move her now. The nursery is literally right outside of our bedroom, and basically just like walking across the room, so it's not a huge difference. Except now instead of just pulling her into bed to feed her, I'll just stay in the nursery and feed her in the chair (blah). We'll see how this goes! I really want to keep it this way, but it is going to be a big adjustment and a little more work on my part. For the first night (or maybe week) I decided I want to keep the monitor on too. We can definitely here her waking up and cry, but it just makes me feel a little more comfortable. Sooo, ya. Wish us luck!
She looks SO tiny in her big empty crib! :/
We decided to try to let her sleep in her crib tonight! ahhhh! too soon! :) I know it's not too soon, but I feel like it is for me. She has been sleeping in our room in a bassinet up until now, but seriously -she is the loudest sleeper! During her "active sleep" where a lot of babies move their eyes around, or maybe make a few noises, she like grunts and snores and moves all over. lol It took me a little while to get used to, but I could sleep through it pretty well. Sean couldn't though. It was keeping him up all night, so we decided it would be better to just go ahead and move her now. The nursery is literally right outside of our bedroom, and basically just like walking across the room, so it's not a huge difference. Except now instead of just pulling her into bed to feed her, I'll just stay in the nursery and feed her in the chair (blah). We'll see how this goes! I really want to keep it this way, but it is going to be a big adjustment and a little more work on my part. For the first night (or maybe week) I decided I want to keep the monitor on too. We can definitely here her waking up and cry, but it just makes me feel a little more comfortable. Sooo, ya. Wish us luck!
She looks SO tiny in her big empty crib! :/
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Today, we got up and got ready for church, but didn't make it out the door in time :/ getting baby ready and fed in a certain amount of time will take some getting used to. So, we sat on the couch and watched a message from last week from Solid Rock. It was really awesome actually! Then we went to Sushi and Marty tried it for the first time and liked it (success Sean!). We came home and they washed my car, Kristin came for a visit, we watched Fried Green Tomatoes and then we had dinner! What a great day. I'm pooped. :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Fridge hangings
Sean made his own list on the fridge today (usually he asks me to make them for him), and this is what it looks like:
Yes, the first item on the list says "create list" lol
And when I got the mail today there were several things in there that I was so happy to get! First, Annabelle's birth certificate came in! Pretty cool :) Then, I got the monthly onesie stickers I ordered. They are SO cute! And my favorite thing I got was a letter from one of my best friend's daughters, Lily (she just turned 5). I opened it as I walked in the house and immediately started tearing up...SO sweet! I love her :)
Yes, the first item on the list says "create list" lol
And when I got the mail today there were several things in there that I was so happy to get! First, Annabelle's birth certificate came in! Pretty cool :) Then, I got the monthly onesie stickers I ordered. They are SO cute! And my favorite thing I got was a letter from one of my best friend's daughters, Lily (she just turned 5). I opened it as I walked in the house and immediately started tearing up...SO sweet! I love her :)
Day 27
Nothing really special happened today, but here's what we did:
1) Got pooped on. no picture to document this, just trust happened, and it was gross.
2) Took a bath. pooped in the bath tub...what's with this today?
3) played on back and belly. She can really hold her head up pretty well (for a little while), and kind of likes being on her belly, so we did a little tummy time on her playmat.
4) Slept.
That about sums it up :)
1) Got pooped on. no picture to document this, just trust happened, and it was gross.
2) Took a bath. pooped in the bath tub...what's with this today?
3) played on back and belly. She can really hold her head up pretty well (for a little while), and kind of likes being on her belly, so we did a little tummy time on her playmat.
4) Slept.
That about sums it up :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Today Sean and his mom went golfing on base! Buuuuut, I completely forgot to tell them to get a picture :/ wah wah wah But I do have a couple cute pics of my baby ;) Oh! And they went grocery shopping and got me flowers! well, it went a little more like - they went grocery shopping, forgot a few things, so Sean and I went back to the store and they had me pick out some flowers. However it happened, I have some pretty pink and purple tulips in my kitchen "window" now.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
My Daddy Rocks
Sean went to pick his mom up from Charleston today. I put Annabelle in her cute "My daddy rocks" onesie for when they got back :) She was being really cute today today. gahh...I love her.
Monday, January 23, 2012
First Walk
Seems as though a lot of my posts are going to be "first" somethings :)
Tonight we took Annabelle on her first walk! and the first time using the stroller, which is awesome! It really wasn't that cold, but we bundled her up anyway, and she fell right asleep in the carseat. We only made it about 1/2 a mile before I started getting really uncomfortable. Guess I'll hold off on the walking for a bit. Boo
Tonight we took Annabelle on her first walk! and the first time using the stroller, which is awesome! It really wasn't that cold, but we bundled her up anyway, and she fell right asleep in the carseat. We only made it about 1/2 a mile before I started getting really uncomfortable. Guess I'll hold off on the walking for a bit. Boo
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Annabelle's Chair
We put her in her little rocker/vibrating chair today to see how she liked it and she did :)
And this is her stare at a light in amazement face:
And this is her stare at a light in amazement face:
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Chili for Dinner
My friends Megan and Kristin made us a bunch of freezer meals last week, but with my mom being here cooking we're just now breaking into them (really nice to not have to think about cooking right now!). Tonight we're enjoying some delirious chili! Thanks Megan and Kristin! It was seriously so thoughtful of them, and I feel very fortunate to have them in my life :)
I have to update because I actually wrote this last night while the chili was cooking, but little did I know just how delicious it really was going to be! lol MMM mm mmm!!! SO good!
I have to update because I actually wrote this last night while the chili was cooking, but little did I know just how delicious it really was going to be! lol MMM mm mmm!!! SO good!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Bye bye Grandma :(
My mom flew in two days before Annabelle was born..JUST in time! She was able to spend a good week with us and her first grandbaby :) She was SO incredibly helpful fixing us meals, helping with baby duties, laundry keeping the house cleaned, letting me take my time with relaxing showers and fixing my hair (something I hadn't really anticipated being such a "chore")and giving lots of cuddles to little missy. I am so thankful that she was able to be here! Seriously, I know we could have handled it, but this transition bringing baby home was so much easier with her here :)
Today we took her to the airport and said goodbye :( But first we stopped at Target and Chic-fil-a! Annabelle's first long car ride, and trip to Target! hahaha She did fantastic (slept the whole time :).
We will miss you grandma!! But thankfully, we will be seeing her (and grandpa!) soon!!
Today we took her to the airport and said goodbye :( But first we stopped at Target and Chic-fil-a! Annabelle's first long car ride, and trip to Target! hahaha She did fantastic (slept the whole time :).
We will miss you grandma!! But thankfully, we will be seeing her (and grandpa!) soon!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
First "photo shoot"
My goal yesterday was to make Annabelle's birth announcements. I found these announcements at Target while we were in Oregon on clearance, and Sean and I have since addressed all the envelopes. So, all that is left is to get pictures made, print the actual announcement and assemble. Step one: get pictures. I really wanted this done yesterday, so I just figured I'd try and get a couple cute ones with my camera (i.e. point and shoot piece-o-crap). Sean and I set up a little studio in her nursery, but waited a little too long, and the lighting was horrible - for ANY camera - so I was worried we wouldn't get any good ones. We got one :) And it will work perfectly for the announcement! Now I can't wait for Amy to get her camera in this child's face! She's just too cute, if I do say so myself :) Anyway, it was really fun. We got the picture printed last night, and today we will put them all together and get them sent!
Before the photo sesh...she was awake for like 4 hours! longest she's ever been awake. She's so pretty :) |
This is the one I'm using (sorry to ruin the surprise for anyone who reads this ;) |
her leg kept falling off of the bench! lol |
okay, we're done now :) |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Grandma time
My mom sent Sean and I to Applebee's to get dinner while she stayed with Annabelle. I was hesitant because I'm obviously very attached, but obviously my mom knows everything there is to know about newborns and can handle anything. But of course I was a little antsy :) We were gone for a whole 40 minutes... longest 40 minutes of my life. lol not really. I wish I could leave her with my mom in months to come. I would feel completely comfortable with that. :( She texted me a a picture of Annabelle sleeping while we were out, and even added some cute angel music to it lol
(this is actually from earlier, but it's grandma getting some snuggles in with napping baby) |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Skyping with grandparents and uncles
The other night we skyped with my dad, and brothers, and tonight we skyped with Sean's parents. Annabelle had to feed twice, but then she was wide awake at the end to show her big pretty eyes. :)
And this is just another picture of my sweets this morning before her doctors apt :)
I guess the last apt was just to get her into the system kind of, because they like to see their babies right away, and this one was more like a 1 week visit. She is doing amazing and has gained back all the weight she lost and then some! Today she weighs 7lbs 7oz. She's gonna be a little chunk! :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
First Doctor Apt
We took Annabelle to the Pediatrician for the first time today. They like to see their patients as soon as the can, so we were their first thing in the morning. Dr. Ashley at Sumter Pediatrics saw her, and said everything looked great and she is doing well. We will go back next week for a check up and to meet with the lactation consultant.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Going Home
Sean had his meeting with the Sgt. Maj today and got his Flight packet submitted! So, now we wait. Then, we got discharged from the hospital at 6:30 PM. So glad to be taking our little girl home!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Annabelle Grace is born!
Our sweet, perfect, precious daughter was born today at 6:17am! She weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 19.5in long. She has a full head of dark hair and big blue eyes. What a little miracle. We are absolutely in love! And so begins our journey into parenthood, we couldn't be more happy or excited!
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