Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hard Working Hubby

 Sean spent the day in the yard, bagging leaves.Our yard is seriously so gross...It's not just like you can rake up the leaves and be left with a nice grass's just sand. When we got here it was the end of summer, so there was a little plant life, but nothing is living or bloomed now. He's going to get some pine straw next week and fill in around the trees and in the little outlined areas (don't know what else to call them lol).
After he finished outside, he bathed the dogs since I spent the day inside cleaning and they had been out with him in the dirt and dust all day, and then he cleaned the carpets! I'm so glad we are able to do that every once in a while. They just get so dirt with two dogs and no grass. Oh, and this Febreeze cleaning solution smells SO good! :)

1 comment:

  1. Carpet cleaner is the BEST, but for some reason it's never as good smelling as it is when pregnant (for me atleast). I used to do our carpets all the time just to SMELL it lol.
