Saturday, June 30, 2012

M.Snow first Photography prop

Look at what we have created!! Sadie came over to take some pictures of Annabelle this week...She is trying to build up a business, and I'm trying to get as many pictures out of her as I can before I move (before I get my camera :) haha. No, but I think she enjoys the practice and I enjoy the pictures. I decided I needed to get/make her something for all the photo's she's taken. So, I asked if she wanted to make a backdrop stand! I found this for sale on Etsy for $60 and we made it for, drum roll please..........$12! Seriously! It may not have even cost $12, we got two of the wrong pieces (notice: disconnected arms), the one's we got were $1.18, the ones we needed were less.
We couldn't have picked a worse day to work out in the garage. Although...we were only out there for 20 minutes, it was A HUNDRED AND SIX DEGREES! And no breeze. We were both red and pouring with sweat lol. Worth it!
Anywhoo....I'm pretty excited for her to have it and to make some more things before we leave! :)

Friday, June 29, 2012


she was really fussy today, not really having this

Mom! how did that girl just get away from me!? (Alison is crawling already ;)

Annabelle and Allison - 1 wk apart. 
This picture makes Ally look a lot bigger than she is lol She's TINY! Well, not tiny, but light as a feather. Aren't they just too cute? :) Annabelle wasn't really into playing, but she loved Luke (Ally's 2 year old brother). Kristin got a picture of Luke making her smile. Anyway, it was fun to catch up and give Annabelle some kid time. :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Org day

It was Organizational day at 3rd Army. Aka. "forced fun" -Sean. Basically, it's field day for adults ;) Except the last one we went to they had bouncy house, face painting, giveaways, , was more of a family event. This time it seemed to be thrown together at the last minute. But Sean got to play softball, and even got invited to play with one of his WO's on an AF team! We joined him at noon for  lunch before i went to the gym. Annabelle was a little freaked out by all the noise in the pavilion, and Mr. B made her cry lol He is just a big scary guy I guess.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Rockin her cute silver peace sign sandals from Roxy and Taylor (Tay picked them out :)). She was very intrigued. I just think they are SO cute!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eating toes

Well this is the picture I got, but she figured out how to get her toes all the way to her mouth. :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

First day in Nursery

As I'm walking into church this morning, I'm thinking to myself, "Annabelle is NOT going to sit quitely...there's just no way". She had JUST woken up from her morning nap, and that's her most playful, "talkative" time of day. So, I decided to take her to the nursery. She hasn't gone yet, so I was a little nervous. But we walked in to one of the babies fussing a little, which has bothered her before, and she just looked around and then smiled at one of the ladies :) I put her down and she watched me walk tears. *sigh* I remember my mom saying I did that too. It definitely makes it easier for me, that's for sure! The service was really short, the pastor was out of town, so it was the worship pastor, and his message was.....the same [exact even] one we heard last year at this time (patriotism, giving of yourself....the title was "be American like Jesus" lol), but it was nice to sit in a row and listen without worrying that, at any second, she was going to start screaming and I'd have 300 sets of eyes looking at me. When I picked her up, she was laying on the floor playing (with a worker from a different room who had come to see her). She didn't even notice me for about 2 minutes even though I was standing there talking to them. haha she was too busy playing with neat toys and starting at the other baby there. So sweet. :) I forgot to take a pic there, so I had Sean take one at home. You can see her nursery sticker on her back ;)
Also, I didn't realize it was the patriotic service, but she was dressed accordingly ;)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Flower power

FLOWER POWER!!! Dress from Grammy and hat from Aunt Stacey :)

crazy bald spot and rat tail :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

can you tell she loves her dada!?

I made him a special dinner :) burgers (that I [mostly] grilled!), asparagus, potatoes, watamelon

We also got to Skype with my dad (mom, Donald, and Jaimie) for a while and that was great! Wonderful day. Happy first father's day Sean!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just another Saturday

Just another Saturday night, hanging out with mom and dad (dad under the coffee table?? lol) :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Trying to sit up

I sat Annabelle down on the floor today (intending to lay her on her back) and she put her hands on the ground and held herself up! She's done this before, but this time she didn't even wobble or anything, and she stayed there for quite a while (maybe 3 minutes :) Pretty neat!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Father's day pics

I tried to get some special pictures for Sean today. My computer was freaking out, and I couldn't print, didn't get a chance to upload to Walgreens, are a few that never made it off the computer.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

5 Months

My sweet 5 month old girl :)

Reach and grab

She's reaching for and grabbing EVERYTHING. Hair, eyelashes, teeth, coffee mug, everything... :)