Sunday, June 24, 2012

First day in Nursery

As I'm walking into church this morning, I'm thinking to myself, "Annabelle is NOT going to sit quitely...there's just no way". She had JUST woken up from her morning nap, and that's her most playful, "talkative" time of day. So, I decided to take her to the nursery. She hasn't gone yet, so I was a little nervous. But we walked in to one of the babies fussing a little, which has bothered her before, and she just looked around and then smiled at one of the ladies :) I put her down and she watched me walk tears. *sigh* I remember my mom saying I did that too. It definitely makes it easier for me, that's for sure! The service was really short, the pastor was out of town, so it was the worship pastor, and his message was.....the same [exact even] one we heard last year at this time (patriotism, giving of yourself....the title was "be American like Jesus" lol), but it was nice to sit in a row and listen without worrying that, at any second, she was going to start screaming and I'd have 300 sets of eyes looking at me. When I picked her up, she was laying on the floor playing (with a worker from a different room who had come to see her). She didn't even notice me for about 2 minutes even though I was standing there talking to them. haha she was too busy playing with neat toys and starting at the other baby there. So sweet. :) I forgot to take a pic there, so I had Sean take one at home. You can see her nursery sticker on her back ;)
Also, I didn't realize it was the patriotic service, but she was dressed accordingly ;)

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